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Our Story

Welcome to Debola Designs! You may be wondering where we got our name from. Debola is pronounced Day-Ball-Ah and it is a combination of the names of husband and wife, Dele and Bola Adewunmi. Coincidentally, Adebola is also a Nigerian name from the Yoruba culture and it means, “The crown meets wealth” and “Honor is brought to her”. That sounds like a Queen to me! So, what does every Queen need? If you guessed a crown, then you are absolutely right! As you adorn your head with one of our custom AfriKaps, you are symbolically putting on a crown fit for a Queen 🙂

You should know that we are more than “just” a scrubcap company – we are a ministry! Impacting lives one cap at a time! Every single purchase is used towards touching hearts in Africa through our ministry organization BAGMO.

So how did we get started?

Debola Designs was founded by the late Reverend Bola Adewunmi in 2013. As a Registered Nurse for over three decades, Rev. Bola worked in the labor and delivery department and would often “scrub” in the operating room (OR) during Cesarean Sections. A requirement for being in the OR is to have your hair covered – so she began sewing her own scrubcaps. Her inspiration for the caps stemmed from her unique creativity and her culture! It was not long before her coworkers noticed her specially designed scrubcaps and began requesting for her to make them their very own cap.

Bola then began her designing journey with a focus on making scrubcaps with style. She sold the scrubcaps to her co-workers on a small, personal scale and used the proceeds to further her work in the ministry.

Meet Our Founder

Bola Adewunmi was a loving wife, mother, author, philanthropist, and minister. She went on to be with the Lord in January, 2019. Along with many cherished memories, she left behind a plethora of custom designed caps. As such, we are dedicated to keeping her memory alive by showcasing her fabulously designed creations.

Bola Adewunmi’s spirit of excellence was fostered and passed on to her children – one of which followed directly in her footsteps and became a Registered Nurse. A major catalyst for the expansion of Bola’s small scrubcap business was when her eldest daughter, Fikayo Adewunmi, completed training as a Nurse Anesthetist and would now be working exclusively in the Operating Room. So, Bola expanded her business and created numerous caps in various designs for her daughter to model and wear.

Meet Our CEO

Fikayo Adewunmi received her Doctorate degree in Nurse Anesthesia from Baylor College of Medicine and now works full time as a Nurse Anesthetist in the Texas Medical Center. After the passing of her mother, Dr. Adewunmi accepted the baton passed on to her as the new operator of Debola Designs and is committed to keeping her mother’s legacy alive. That is why 100% of the proceeds from Bola’s designed scrubcaps go toward the ministry work that she started in Africa through BAGMO.

This is what makes Debola Designs different from your average scrubcap company! We deeply care about utilizing our resources to help humanity – especially those in need in the most rural and remote places!

Here is how your purchase supports Africa!

  • Your cap helps feed the poor
  • Your cap helps support orphans and widows
  • Your cap helps provide bibles in local dialects
  • Your cap helps provide scholarships
  • Your cap helps provide medical assistance through health fairs
  • Your cap helps minister the love of Christ and the Gospel
  • Your cap helps provide jobs to local seamstresses in Africa


“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. “

James 1:17 KJV

Supporting Small Businesses and the Local Economy

Our dedication to supporting Africa extends to patronizing local Nigerian tailors for the creation of our caps. Each scrubcap is handmade with care and precision in Nigeria. This puts money directly in the hands of the local tailors and helps stimulate the African economy. We can’t stress the importance of supporting these small businesses. If it means that one man or woman will now have the income to feed their families, that is enough for us! As we expand, we are dedicated to continuing our support of small local businesses.

Our goal is to be your scrubcap provider of choice!

Our mission is to provide fashionable scrubcaps that highlight your personality and style while showcasing the African culture!

Our vision is to use our resources to give back to people in need both locally and globally.

What’s better than looking fabulous?? Looking fabulous AND making a difference at the same time!

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